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Title[Event] - Event With Eurizon Capital
DateApr 12, 2024
We would like to extend the invitation to all students within your organization to participate in the ESG event organized by Mercury Partners Academy (MPA), a leader in the field of online financial education. The event will feature Francesco Sedati from Eurizon Capital (Intesa Sanpaolo) and will take place on Thursday, April 11th from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM in Room 7A at the S. Giobbe Economic Campus of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice.
The event will provide students with a unique opportunity to delve into the ESG topic and connect with industry experts. The conference will be conducted in English and students can participate either in person or via Zoom.
If students wish to attend the event via Zoom, we kindly ask them to register using the following link:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 864 0141 5783
Passcode: 2wHQrA


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