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Rhyu, Sang-young (·ù»ó¿µ)

Professor of Political Economy
Ph.D. Political Economy, Graduate School of Political Science, Yonsei University, 1995
East Asian Political Economy, Network Capitalism and Informal Politics, Korean Political History and Business, Globalization and Democratization in East Asia, Korean Chaebols and Economic Reform, Korean Model and Development Cooperation, Nationalism in Korean History

82-2-2123-3961 ¡¤ Room : 619

Professor Sang-young Rhyu received his Ph.D. from Yonsei University, majoring in Korean political economy. He served as a senior research fellow at the Samsung Economic Research Institute (1995-2001) and was a visiting fellow at Keio University in Japan (1992-1994). He also served as a visiting professor at the University of British Columbia (2009-2010) and the University of Toronto (2018-2019) in Canada. As the director of the Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library and Museum (2004-2009), he researched and collected numerous historical records and established The Kim Dae-jung Oral History Collection. His current research focuses on East Asian political economy. He has published many articles on East Asian capitalism, Korean political history and development. He currently serves as an editor of the East Asia Foundation Policy Debates (April 2014-present).
  • Ph.D. Political Economy, Graduate School of Political Science, Yonsei University, 1995
  • M.A. Politics and International Studies, Yonsei University, 1988
  • B.A. Politics and International Studies, Yonsei University, 1988
Research and Academic Employment
  • Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University (March 2002 - present)
  • Managing director, East Asia Foundation (2005-present)
  • Visiting professor, University of Toronto, Canada (2018.9 - 2019.8)
  • Director, Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library and Museum (2004.12 - 2009.2)
  • Visiting scholar, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (1992-1993, 2001)
Professional Services
  • Regional Expert, Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI), Bertelsmann Stiftung (2014-present)
  • Advisory Committee Member, Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (2017- Present)
  • Advisory Committee Member, Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Business Hub (June 2003- Present)
  • Advisory Board Member, Committee on Privatization (Ministry of Environment) (June 2001-August 2002)
  • Advisory Committee Member, Prime Minister¡¯s Committee for Anti-Corruption Policy (August 2000- February 2001)
  • Operating Board Member, Seoul Institute for Transparency (February 2000-February 2002)
  • Referee for Journal of Regulation Studies, Korean Economic Research Institute (1998-2000)
  • Research Team Member, KIEP¡¯s Forum for Research on Japanese Economy (1998-2001)
  • Senior Research Fellow, Center for Public Policy, Samsung Economic Research Institute(September 1995 - February 2002)
Teaching Experience
  • Graduate: Political Economy of Korean Development, Korean Economic Institutions Entrepreneurs and Business, East Asian Political Economy, Political Economy of Japan, Japanese Economy, Economic Institutions and Policy in Korea
  • Undergraduate : Globalization and Democratization in East Asia, Korean Political Economy and Business, Korean Model and International Development Cooperation
Courses and Current Research Area
  • East Asian Network Capitalism, Globalization and East Asian Capitalism, Korean Chaebols and Economic Reform, Government-Business Relations, Korean History of Institutions and Firms, East Asian Regionalism and Domestic Politics, Comparative Political Economy between Japan and Korea, Korean political History and Nationalism.
Academic Publications
Publications in English
  • ¡°Chapter 8. Chaebol.¡± Oxford Handbook of South Korean Politics. New York and London: Oxford
    University Press, forthcoming.

  • "Fairness and Justice in South Korean Society: How Should They be Viewed?" East Asia Foundation Policy Debates, No.162 (July 14th, 2021).

  • "How to Make Democracy Sustainable in South Korea: A Look at Three Years after the Candlelight Vigils," East Asia Foundation Policy Debates, No. 143 (July 21st, 2020).

  • "Political Leadership," Chapter 6, Chung-in Moon and M.Jae Moon (eds), Routledge Handbook of Korean Politics and Public Administration (London and New York: Routledge, 2020), pp. 95-111.

  • The Political Economy of Change and Continuity in Korea: Twenty Years after the Crisis (Springer, 2019) (with Seungjoo Lee).

  • ¡°Negotiations on Denuclearization in North Korea: Laying Out the Scenarios,¡± East Asia Foundation Policy Debates, No. 107 (November 6, 2018).

  • ¡°Moon Jae-in and the Politics of Reform in South Korea,¡± Global Asia, Vol. 13, No. 3 (September 2018).

  • ¡°The Challenge of Social Integration in South Korea,¡± Global Asia, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Summer 2017), pp.30-35.

  • ¡°McCarthyism in South Korea: The Naked Truth and History of Color Politics,¡± East Asian Foundation Policy Debates, No. 68 (March 28, 2017).

  • ¡°Stirring Up Debate on a Korean Caesar: Book Review on Park Chung Hee and Modern Korea, The Roots of Militarism, 1866-1945 by Carter J. Eckert,¡± Global Asia, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Winter 2016), pp.126-128.

  • ¡°Catastrophe 2016 in South Korea: A Tale of Dynamic History and Resilient Democracy,¡± East Asia Foundation Policy Debates, No. 63 (November 22, 2016).

  • ¡°Can the Curse on South Korean Politics Be Lifted? The Pattern of Plummeting Approval Ratings and Lame Duck Presidencies¡± East Asia Foundation Policy Debates, No. 23 (March 24, 2015).

  • The Spirit of Korean Development (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2015).

  • ¡°Confucianist Culture and Institutional Change: The Growth and Reform of the Korean Chaebols,¡± Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (December 2, 2015).

  • ¡°Looking Back on Korean Development and its International Implications,¡± and ¡°Debates on the Korean Development Model and its Implications for Developing Countries,¡± Korea and the World: Contemporary History and its Implications (Seoul: National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, 2015) (with M. Jae Moon).

  • ¡°The Political Economy of Informal Networks in Japan and South Korea: Amakudari vs. Parachute Appointment,¡± Chapter 11, Hong Yung Lee (eds), A Comparative Study of East Asian Capitalism (Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, 2014) (with Seungjoo Lee).

  • Kim Dae-jung and History of Korean Opposition Parties, edited with Sam-woong Kim and Ji-yeon Shim (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2013).

  • Kim Dae-jung and Mass Economy Theory, edited with Dong-no Kim (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2013).

  • ¡°Democratic Transition, Persistent Civilian Control over Military, and the South Korean Anomaly,¡± Asian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 19, Issue 3, 250-269 (2011) (with Chung-in Moon).

  • ¡°South Korea¡¯s Political Dynamics of Regionalism: a comparative study of Korea-Japan FTA and Korea-US FTA,¡± Chapter 4, Vinod K. Aggarwal and Seungjoo Lee (eds), The Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific (New York: Springer, 2011).

  • ¡°Pohang Iron & Steel Company,¡± Part Three, Chapter 11, Byung-Kook Kim and Ezra F. Vogel (eds), The Park Chung Hee era: the transformation of South Korea (Cambridge, Massachusetts | London, England: Harvard University Press, 2011) (with Seok-jin Lew).

  • ¡°The Politics of Policy Ideas and Kim Dae-jung¡¯s Mass Economy Theory,¡± Korean Political Science Review, Vol. 44, No. 5 (2010), The Korean Political Science Association.

  • ¡°Institutionalizing Property Rights in Korean Capitalism: A Case Study on the Listing of the Samsung Life,¡± Jongryn Mo and David Brady (eds), The Rule of Law in South Korea (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2010).

  • ¡°Rethinking Alliance and the Economy: American Hegemony, Path Dependence, and the South Korean Political Economy,¡± International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 10, No. 3 (2010) (with Chung-In Moon).

  • ¡°The Politics of Economic Sanctions against North Korea: The Bush Administration¡¯s Strategy toward a Multilateral Governance,¡± Pacific Focus, Vol. XXV, No. 1, pp.112-135, Center for International Studies, Inha University (2010) (with Jong-Yun Bae).

  • ¡°North Korea¡¯s Strategy for Regime Survival and East Asian Regionalism,¡± Vinod K. Aggarwal (eds), Northeast Asia; Ripe for Integration? (New York: Springer, 2008).

  • ¡°The Political Dynamics of Informal Networks in South Korea: The Case of Parachute Appointment,¡± The Pacific Review, Vol. 21, No. 1 (March 2008) (with Lee Seung-joo).

  • ¡°Kim Dae-jung¡¯s Ideas and Documents: A Perspective of Political Economy,¡± Sang-young Rhyu (ed), Democratic Movements and Korean Society: Historical Documents and Korean Studies (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2007).

  • ¡°Integrating North Korea into the East Asian Market: North-South Korean Economic Cooperation in the Gaeseong Special Economic Zone,¡± Sang-young Rhyu (eds), The June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Prospects for Peace on the Korean Peninsula (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2007).

  • Democratic Movements and Korean Society: Historical Documents and Korean Studies (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2007).

  • ¡°Determining The Existence of Amakudari in Publicly-Traded Japanese Companies,¡± Applied Economics Letters, 2007 (iFirst).

  • ¡°Changing Dynamics in Korea-Japan Relations: Policy Ideas and Developmental Strategies,¡± Asian Survey, Vol. XLVI, No. 2 (March/April 2006).

  • ¡°Corporate Governance Reform of newly Privatized Enterprises: A Comparative Study of POSCO and KT Cases,¡± Asian Corporate Governance Case Studies, Hills Governance Center and World Bank, 2006.

  • ¡°The Origins of Korean Chaebols and their Roots in the Korean War,¡± The Korean Journal of International Relations, Vol. 45, No. 5 (December 2005).

  • ¡°Between International Constraints and Domestic Policy Choice: Korea¡¯s Economic Development in the 1960s,¡± Korean Political Science Review, Vol. 37, No. 5 (2003).

  • ¡°From Bureaucratic Dominance to Political Mediation: Japanese Pension Regime in Transition,¡± Prepared for the workshop on globalization and welfare reform in East Asia, University of Amsterdam (July 2003).

  • ¡°No More Military Intervention? Recasting and Forecasting Military Politics in South Korea,¡± Harvard Asia Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Autumn 2002).

  • ¡°The State, Structural Rigidity, and the End of Asian Capitalism: A Comparative Study of Japan and Korea,¡± Richard Robison and Mark Beeson (eds), Politics and Markets in The Wake of the Asian Crisis (London and New York: Routledge, 2000) (with Chung-in Moon).

  • ¡°Democratic Reform and Consolidation in South Korea: The Promise of Democracy,¡± Chung-in Moon and Jongryn Mo (eds), Democratization and Globalization in Korea: Assessments and Prospects (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 1999) (with Chai-bong Hahm).

  • ¡°Overdeveloped State and the Political Economy of Development in the 1950s: A Reinterpretation,¡± Asian Perspective, vol.23, no.1 (1999) (with Chung-in Moon).

  • Publications in Korean and Japanese
  • "Two Paths of Nationalism in South Korea: A Text-Mining Analysis of the Official Speeches of Park Chung-hee and Kim Dae-jung." Journal of Contemporary Politics. 14(1), Spring 2021, 87-130 (Korean)

  • "Park Chung Hee's Monetary Reform in 1962 and Korean Nationalism." Journal of Contemporary Politics. 13(3), Winter 2020, 119-153 (Korean)

  • "The Meanings of Kim Dae-Jung Obuchi Keizo Joint Statement and the Transformation of Korea-Japan Relations,"  The Preparation Committee of  A Conference for Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Kim-Obuch Joint Statement ed., The 20th Anniversary of Kim-Obuch Joint Statement and the Future of Korea-Japan Relations,  (Seoul: Tree Publishing, 2018) (Korean).

  • ¡°Kim Dae-jung¡± Lee Moon-young ed. Figures who made peace: Nobel Peace Laureates 21. (Seoul: Jininjin, 2017) (Korean).

  • Catalog of Kim Dae-jung¡¯s Works, Sang-young Rhyu (eds) (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2015).

  • ¡°Comparative Study on Anger in Korea and Japan: cultural background and political economic realities,¡± Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 40, 23-42 (2013), Institute of Japanese Studies Dankook University (Korean).

  • Kim Dae-jung and Korea-Japan Relationship: Modern History of Korea-Japan of Democracy and Peace, edited with Haruki Wada and Narihiko Ito (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2013) (Japanese).

  • Navigating Korea: Policy Options for Today and Tomorrow, edited with Cheol-hee Park, Won-taek Kang, and Moon-gi Suh (Seoul: East Asia Foundation, 2012) (Korean).

  • ¡°Park Chung-hee Regime¡¯s Industrialization Strategy Choice and International Political Economy,¡± in Lee Jae Suk and Kim Eun Kyung (eds), Comparative Approach to 5.16 and Park Chung-hee Modernization Track (Seoul: Sunin, 2012) (Korean).

  • ¡°Korea-Japan Economic Relation in Park Chung-hee Era and POSCO,¡± in Institute of Japanese Studies (ed), Reinterpretation of Korea-Japan Relation of Park Chung-hee Era (Seoul: Sunin, 2011) (Korean).

  • ¡°Heavy and Chemical Industrialization and Defense Industry under Park Chung Hee Regime: a constrained choice from the Structure-Agency Model,¡± World Politics, Vol. 14, 135-167 (2011), Center for International Studies, Seoul National University (Korean).

  • ¡°Developmental Strategy & Export-Oriented Industrialization of Park Chung-hee Government,¡± Nam Kung Gon and Hamm Taik-young (eds), Korean Foreign Policy: History and Issues (Seoul: Sawhaipyoungron, 2010) (Korean).

  • ¡°Promoting FDI into Korea: Historical Overview and New Thinking,¡± Jongryn Mo (eds), Promoting Foreign Investment for a Market Economy (Kyoungki: Nanam, 2010) (Korean).

  • ¡°Korea¡¯s Economic Reform and the Change in Government – Business Informal Network,¡± 21C Korean Political Science Review, Vol.16 No.1 (2006) (Korean).

  • ¡°The Historical Trajectory of Korean Economic Growth and ¡®Park Chung-hee Model¡¯: Focusing on the Debates of Developmental State,¡± Chung Sung-hwa (ed), The Era of Park Chung-hee and Korean Contemporary History (Seoul, Sunin Publishing House, 2006) (Korean).

  • ¡°International Regime, Regional Regime, and the Strategic Positioning of Japan and Korea,¡± Oohata Hideki and Chung-in Moon (eds), New Horizon of International Relations in Japan and Korea: Security and International Cooperation (Japan: Keio University Press, 2004) (Japanese).

  • ¡°The Korea-Japan Economic Relations and the Flying –Geese Model,¡± The Korean Journal of International Relations, Vol. 43, No. 2 (2003) (Korean).

  • ¡°Deregulation and Institutional Change in Korea and Japan: Debate on Legalization of the Holding Company,¡± Okonogi Masao and Chung-in Moon (eds), Market, State, and International Regime (Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2001) (Japanese).

  • Great Transformation of Korea¡¯s National Strategy: Security, Prosperity and Harmony (Seoul: Samsung Economic Research Institute, 2000) (Korean).

  • ¡°Between Neo-realistic International Politics and Neo-liberal Institutions: The Case of OECD's Anti-Bribery Convention 1999,¡± Proceedings of Korean International Political Science Association 1999 Annual Meeting, Seoul, December 10, 1999 (Korean).

  • ¡°Anti-Bribery Convention and Government-Business Relations in Korea,¡± Yonsei Business Review, Vol. 36, No. 2 (1999) (Korean).

  • Privatization and the Korean Economy (Seoul: Samsung Economic Research Institute, 1997) (Korean).

  • ¡°Privatization and Structural Adjustment in Korea: Political Economy in Hard Times,¡± Sejong Institute, Seoul, 1999 (Korean).

  • ¡°Government-Business Relations and Real Politics in Korean Big Business: Private Chaebol vs. Public Enterprise,¡± Chung-in Moon (ed), Globalization, Democratization, and Government-Business Relations in South Korea (Seoul: Oreum, 1998) (Korean).

  • ¡°Between World System and State: Park Chung-Hee¡Çs Choice of Industrialization Strategy,¡± Korean Political Science Review, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Spring 1996) (Korean).

  • ¡°Privatization and Institutional Change in South Korea: POSCO & KT Cases,¡± Korean Political Science Association (ed), Rethinking Korean Politics (Seoul: Hanul, 1996) (Korean).

  • ¡°Steel and State Capitalism: The Evolution of State-Business Relations in South Korea,¡± Ph.D. Dissertation, Yonsei University (August 1995) (Korean).

  • ¡°The Dynamics of Japanese-Korean Relations: Economic Cooperation to The Pohang Iron and Steel Co. (POSCO) Project of South Korea,¡± HOGAKU SEIJIGAKU RONKYU: Journal of Law and Political Studies in Keio University (Autumn 1993) (Japanese).
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    Telephone: 82-2-2123-3291~3 Fax: 82-2-2123-8653 Email: gsis@yonsei.ac.kr
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