In advance of the 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial, the Nordic Embassies in Seoul and Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), are delighted to invite you to a high-level panel discussion on the role of women in crisis management and peacekeeping operations.
In 2000, the UN Security Council agreed to Resolution 1325, which calls for mainstreaming gender perspectives into peacekeeping operations and urged member states to include women in all levels of processes to end armed conflicts. Twenty years on, only a small proportion of decision makers and participants in crisis management and peacekeeping operations are women. Meanwhile, women are hit the hardest when conflicts arise.
At the seminar, we will hear from important female contributors to international crisis management and peacekeeping operations over the past decades. They will provide their reflections on what the past twenty years of crisis management and conflict prevention have taught us in terms of the importance for inclusion of women in order to pursue successful crisis management mission and facilitate peace processes that lead to lasting peace.
Keynote speakers:
- Kang Kyung-wha, former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea
- Margot Wallström, Former Foreign Minister of Sweden and former UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict
- Colonel Christine Heggli, Alternate Member of the Swiss Delegation to Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, NNSC
- Kang Hyokyung, Retired Army Major, Professor at PKO Center, Korea National Defence University
John Delury, Professor of Chinese Studies and Chair of International Studies, Yonsei University GSIS
The Korean Conflict and Nordic Peace Mediation in 2020