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Official Notices

Subject[Academics] 2022 Spring Semester Seoul National University (SNU) GSIS Course Enrollment

2022 Spring Semester Seoul National University (SNU) GSIS Course Enrollment

If you are willing to take the courses at SNU GSIS in upcoming Spring Semester, please complete the attached file and send it to gsisoffice@yonsei.ac.kr by the 5th of January (Wednesday), 11AM.

For the available courses of 2022 Spring Semester at SNU GSIS, please refer to the SNU website: http://sugang.snu.ac.kr

(2022 Spring SNU course list will open on the 3rd of January.)


¡Ø Please be aware of the following information

1) You must submit the correct ID number, email address and phone number. Especially, for email address, please hand in the account that you often use.

2) Please make sure to put correct course number, title, credits and professor name. 

3) You do not need to get a signature of Program Chair and professor. Empty it and submit the document to gsis office.

4) Please makes sure to fill in your name and the date you have completed the form. You do not need to put signature.

Telephone: 82-2-2123-3291~3 Fax: 82-2-2123-8653 Email: gsis@yonsei.ac.kr
New Millennium Hall #510, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-Ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
Copyright © 2015, Yonsei GSIS, All Rights Reserved.

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