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Official Notices

Subject[Recruiting] Research Assistant for Prof. Jong Bum Kim

Professor Jong Bum Kim of GSIS is looking for a reliable student to serve as his faculty research assistant for Spring 2022.


1. Eligibility: Full-time GSIS Student


2. Preferred Qualification

  - Completion of one of the following courses:

     1) International Trade Law or 2) Understanding the FTA


3. Appointment Period:  March 1, 2022 ~ August 31, 2022


4. Payment: KRW 3,000,000 (NOTE: 50% of will be paid in the middle of the semester and the rest at the end of the semester) *Maximum working hours per week must be 14 or less.


5. Responsibilities:

  - Research assistant: analysis of the latest trade law and policy issues.

  - Administrative assistant: Minor administrative duties related to the courses taught by professor.


To be considered, please send an email to jongbumkim@yonsei.ac.kr by March 2, 2022. The position will be filled in the first week of March.

Telephone: 82-2-2123-3291~3 Fax: 82-2-2123-8653 Email: gsis@yonsei.ac.kr
New Millennium Hall #510, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-Ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
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