<Announcement on enrollment in GMBA Marketing Strategy and Analytics>
Yonsei GSIS students are allowed to register for the courses as below:
1. Marketing Strategy and Analytics 1 (Course Code: MBG7622 / Credit: 1.5): 5 persons
2. Marketing Strategy and Analytics 2 (Course Code: MBG7623 / Credit: 1.5): 5 persons
3. Eligibility: the students who have taken other marketing classes in undergraduate or graduate.
Those who wish to take the course must email GMBA Office (gmba.ysb@yonsei.ac.kr).
And please note that this is first-come-first-serve and make sure to send an email accurately with (1) student ID number (2) name (3) the course you plan to take.
If you plan to take other GMBA courses other than those above, please contact GMBA office first and then, receive approval from a course lecturer.
Should you have further inquiries regarding this, please contact GMBA office directly via email.